The theme inside my membership community - The Love Lounge - in September is S£X & INTIMACY and I am hosting a 90 minute group breathwork healing session called:

"I Am Safe"

I have specifically designed this session to give you the time and space to create awareness and healing around any sense of not feeling safe to be intimate or to enjoy healthy, fun and authentic se£ual expression.

You will be 'dropping in' as a guest to my membership so expect to be joined by a group of fabulous women who regularly tell me that The Love Lounge is their safe haven for healing, community and empowerment.

Date > Thursday 5th September

Time > 8 - 9.30pm (BST) / 2 - 3:30pm (CDT) / 3 - 4:30pm (EDT) / 5 - 6:30am on 6th (AEST)

Location > Zoom (using headphones in your own private space)

If you desire to more deeply know and love yourself, I invite you to join me for this emotionally releasing, soul healing experience. You will be in safe hands (see the testimonials below) and good company!

Breathwork Healing Drop In Session£49

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Don't miss this amazing offer to join
The Love Lounge. 

The Love Lounge will provide the safe support, inspiring community and specific resources you need to know & love yourself.

When you join our membership community for 12 months we will deduct today's Breathwork Healing Session investment and give you two months membership for FREE. Just switch the toggle above to add this offer to your cart. 


You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xBreathwork Healing Drop In Session£49

All prices in GBP

"I felt calm. I got rid of a load of toxins, sleep has been better and my back is feeling better!"

Happy Client

"The breathwork was a new experience and, frankly, it’s deep effect of releasing was like emptying a dustbin that should’ve been emptied a long time ago;)"

Happy Client

"It was really powerful! I definitely surrendered to the process and enjoyed feeling more connected to myself."

Happy Client

"I found it very cathartic and could feel the years of toxins and anger release. I slept for 10 hours! I loved it!"

Happy Client

"The breathwork healing and releasing was so powerful and beautiful! Lots of tears. My body was really shaking like I've breathed life into myself and I feel lighter. Thank you so much, Katie!"

Happy Client

"The breathwork session enabled me to access emotions and painful past experiences and yet move through them in a positive, nurturing way. It was quite the journey, but one I'm incredibly grateful to have gone on. It was exhausting, messy, and exhilarating but I felt an extraordinary sense of peace on the other side."

Happy Client

"I must say that the breathwork, although very challenging, was amazing. I woke up the next day and just felt such a sense of lightness. Thank you for guiding us through such an impactful experience."

Happy Client

"I loved the breathwork! I'm so glad I joined. It felt very releasing and I felt really emotionally connected. There was stuff I needed to clear which felt really good."

Happy Client